What's Going on in Galatia?

Gal 1:1-9

Intro: This week were diving into the book of Galatians and as we start this journey we have to have some idea of what is going on there. The Apostle Paul's credentials and character have been attacked and it has left the church vulnerable to false doctrine and false teachers.  Paul is writing in an attempt to rescue the church in Galatia from the wolves that are so readily tearing it apart.  Paul's words in Galatians are instructive to all churches to help us overcome the enemies plans to lure us away from the will of God.  

I.   Who is Paul? vs 1-5 

     A. Paul is an Apostle chosen by God. vs 1 

     B. Paul is a Christian Brother. vs 2

     C. Paul is a preacher of the Gospel. vs 3-4

II.  The Galatian Church was deserting the Truth. vs 6 

III. The Galatian Church is beset by false teachers. vs 7 

IV. The Galatian Church needed clarification. vs 8-9