God's Man Explained 

Gal 1:10-24

Intro: In this weeks passage Paul begins to explain what really makes Him tick.  He is giving his testimony of faith to the Galatian church.  He wants them to know his past failures, his present faith, and his pursuit of righteousness. Paul was explaining to the Galatian church how one of the worst sinners could become one of the greatest saints the world would ever know. 

I.   Paul explained the source of his message. vs 10-12 

     A. Paul didn't preach a popular message. vs 10 

     B. Paul preached the True Gospel. vs 11-12 

II.  Paul explained his past failures. vs 13-14 

III. Paul explained his present faith. vs 15-16 

IV. Paul explained his pursuit of righteousness. vs 16-24