Even Believers Can be Fooled

Gal 3:1-14

Intro:  I really have a hard time believing that individuals come to Christ with every intention of abandoning Him at the first opportunity.  The individuals that are led astray fall into two categories.  There are some that were never truly saved and there are some that are decieved and led astray.  While true believers will endure in their faith until the end they can have moments of failure all along the way.  The Galatians were failing to stand on the fact that Salvation Comes by Grace Through Faith Alone! 

I.   Knowing the Truth does not prevent error. vs 1-5

     A. We can Know the Truth about Jesus 

     B. We can experience the Holy Spirit 

     C. We can feel the Father's presence 

II.  The Old Testament demonstrates the Truth about Salvation. 6-9

III. The Old Testament points us to the need for a Savior. vs 10-12 

IV. Jesus Sacrifice Demonstrates the fulfillment of the Law. vs 13-14