So Great A Salvation! 

II Peter 1:1-4

 What's the greatest gift that you have ever been given?  I would argue that the greatest gift is not the most expensive one that you have ever received.  Rather the greatest gift would be the one you use the most.  The gift that you utilize the most presents the greatest value to your life despite it's monetary value.  Salvation is a gift that was paid for with the precious blood of Jesus Christ and yet it's value to us is determined by how well we work out that salvation in our own lives.  So as we consider the gift of salvation this morning we should evaluate the value of that gift in our own lives.  If we have salvation and it is truly a valuable gift then it should be changing our lives everyday. 

I.   We share a common source of salvation. vs 1 

II.  Salvation comes by grace through faith alone. vs 2 

III. Salvation has divine attributes. vs 3-4 

      a. Divine Power

      b. Divine Provision 

      c. Divine Knowledge

      d. Divine Promises 

IV. Since we are blessed with so great a salvation what are we doing with it?