Paul's concern for the church as the Body and Bride of Christ is undeniable.  As we move into chapter 2 Paul has been ministering for more than a decade and now feels compelled to visit Jerusalem again.  Paul was not visiting Jerusalem so that they might bless the work he was already successfully doing but rather in an attempt to maintain the unity of the church for God's Glory.  The work of maintaining unity in the Church is a work that is passed down to each of us as well and we should take this work seriously. 

I.   Paul sought to unify the Jewish and the Gentile churches. vs 1-2

II.  Paul was not compelled to practice circumcision among all believers by the elders in Jerusalem. vs 3-5 

III. Paul's work and his message were confirmed by the apostles. vs 6-9

IV. Paul's desire for unity and his care for the church was encouraged by the apostles. vs 9-10